第15届亚洲电影大奖 The 15th Asian Film Awards (2021)

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最佳导演 Best Director
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最佳男主角 Best Actor
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最佳女主角 Best Actress
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最佳新演员 Best Newcomer
最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor
最佳编剧 Best Screenwriter
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最佳摄影 Best Cinematographer
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A remote brick manufacture factory produces bricks in an ancient way. Many families with different ethnicities work in the factory and the boss seems to hold the key to solving their problems. Forty-y…
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最佳原创音乐 Best Composer
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最佳美术指导 Best Production Designer
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最佳视觉效果 Best Visual Effects
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最佳音响 Best Sound
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