沙拉斯尔弗曼的节目 第一季
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- 影乐酷ID:3012550tv IMDB:tt0821375 编辑
- 类型:喜剧 地区:美国 语言:英语
- 导演:罗布·施拉布
- 主演:萨拉·西尔弗曼/劳拉·希尔维曼/史蒂夫·阿吉更多
- 集数:33集
简介:这是美国喜剧中心推出的一部喜剧,讲述了Sarah Silverman日常生活,例如把无家可归的人带回家,探索她自己的性欲,鼓励一名小女孩参加演出以实现她小时候的梦想等等。 美国各家有线电视台将于2007年向观众提供完全不同于以往风格的节目。观众群以男性为主的喜剧中心(Comedy Central)开始少见地制作迎合女性观众的节目,如沙拉.斯尔弗曼(Sarah Silverman)主演的电视剧集。喜剧中心的《沙拉.斯尔弗曼的节目》(The Sarah Silverman Program):这家电视台希望,当斯尔弗曼这部处女作播出之时,能博得女性观众群的喜爱。一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。自《汪达所为》(Wanda Does It)遭遇收视惨败以来,喜剧中心就再也没有尝试过女性题材的电视连续剧,向来主打《南方公园》、《Drawn Together》等深受男性观众欢迎的电视剧。由斯尔弗曼主演的《节目》是一类短剧,讲述了在“轮椅马拉松”上发生了一起惨剧之后,一名无家可归的越南老兵彻底陷入歇斯底里的状态。毫不夸张地说,也只有斯尔弗曼才有能力演好这种短剧,让我们拭目以待。 Step into the incredible world of Sarah Silverman as she goes about her life, which on any given day, can include taking in a homeless man, exploring her sexuality or encouraging a young girl to enter a pageant in order to fulfill her own childhood dreams. Sarah plays a character named Sarah Silverman whose absurd daily life is told through an array of scripted scenes and song. In each episode, Sarah manages to fall into unique, sometimes unsettling and always hilarious predicaments, with her sister (played by real-life sister Laura Silverman), her geeky gay neighbors, Brian and Steve (Brian Posehn and Steve Agee) and Officer Jay (Jay Johnston) never far from her side. The Sarah Silverman Program is a musical/comedy that journeys into the world of Sarah Silverman where daily life is anything but routine. Silverman plays a character named Sarah Silverman and is joined by her real-life sister Laura Silverman who plays the character of Laura. Rounding out the cast of characters are the geeky gay neighbors Steve (Steve Agee) and Brian (Brian Posehn), and Officer Jay (Jay Johnston).