5.0分 / 1人
5.0分 / 1人
5.0分 / 1人
Koyu Ohara
- 性别:男 星座:天秤座 编辑
- 生日:1935-10-10至2004-02-20 出生地:東京都
- 职业:导演/编剧/演员 影乐酷ID:1717520sr IMDB: nm0644943
Koyu Ohara (小原宏裕 - Ohara Koyu) is a Japanese film director best known known for his popular Roman Porno films, Fairy In A Cage (1977) and the Pink Tush Girl series (1978-1980). One of Nikkatsu's most versatile and prolific directors, filming eight movies in 1979 alone, his stylistic preoccupations led him to be known as "King of Pop Art Porn." Early life Koyu Ohara attributes his interest in film to the fact that his grandfather had worked at Nikkatsu as a director. As a child, he claims to have seen up to 200 movies a year. Though he studied law at Keio University and worked as a secretary to a member of the House of Representatives, rather than take the bar exam, he took an entrance exam at Shochiku studios. He failed the Shochiku exam, but tried out for Nikkatsu, and began working there as an assistant director in 1961. He was assigned to director Koreyoshi Kurahara, under whom he worked with future pink film master, Tatsumi Kumashiro. *Passionate: Ohichi's Love Song ((Jouen Ohichi no koiuta) (1972) (debut) * College Girls: Sex Equation (女子大生SEX方程式 - Joshidaisei: Sex hoteishiki (January 12, 1973) * Japan's Pleasure District: Three Sisters at a Turkish Bath (にっぽん歓楽地帯トルコ三姉妹 - Nippon kanraku-chitai: toruko sanshimai) (April 4, [[1973) * Secret of the College Girls: Part-Time Sex Pros aka Sex Phobia ((秘)女子大生SEXアルバイト - Maruhi joshidaisei: Sex arbeit) (January 26, 1974) * Man & Woman Sexology: Private Lessons (男女性事学個人授業 - Danjo seiji-gaku: kojin jugyo) (June 8, 1974) * True Story of Woman Condemned: Sex Hell (実録おんな鑑別所性地獄 - Jitsuroku onna kanbetsusho: sei-jigoku) (March 5, 1975) * True Story of Woman Condemned Continues (Zoku jitsuroku onna kanbetsusho - 続実録おんな鑑別所) (July 1, 1975) * White Female Cat: Ecstasy at High Noon (白い牝猫真昼のエクスタシー - Shiroi mesuneko: mahiru no ecstasy) (November 1, 1975) * New True Story of Woman Condemned to Hell (新・実録おんな鑑別所-恋獄- - Shin jitsuroku onna kanbetsusho rengoku) (January 24, 1976) * Runa's Confession: "Men Crawling All Over Me" (ルナの告白私に群がった男たち - Runa no kokuhaku: watashi ni muragatta otokotachi) (April 14, 1976) * Tokyo Secret Night Report: Warm Sap (東京(秘)ナイト・レポート熱い樹液 - Tokyo maruhi night report: atsui jueki) (September 8, 1976) * Student Mistress: Taste of a Virgin (学生情婦処女の味 - Gakusei mabu: shojo no aji) (November 27, 1976) * Fairy in a Cage aka Woman in a Cage (檻の中の妖精 - Ori no naka no yosei) (June 4, 1977) * Female Convict 101: Sucks (女囚101しゃぶる - Joshuu 101: Shaburu) (August 6, 1977) * Fascination: Portrait of a Lady (幻想夫人絵図 - Genso fujin ezu) (October 1, 1977) * Sister Lucia's Dishonor (修道女ルシア辱<けが>す - Sudojo Lucia: kegasu) (January 7, 1978) * Pink Tush Girl (桃尻娘ピンク・ヒップ・ガール - Momojiri musume: Pinku hippu gaaru) (April 29, 1978) * Rope Hell (縄地獄 - Nawa jigoku) (June 24, 1978) * Wet & Rope aka Wet Rope Confession (修道女濡れ縄ざんげ - Shudojo: nure nawa zange) (January 20, 1979) * Pink Tush Girl: Love Attack (桃尻娘ラブアタック - Momojiri musume: rabu atakku) (April 28, 1979) * Koichiro Uno's Female Gymnastic Teacher (宇能鴻一郎の女体育教室 - Uno Koichiro no onna taiiku kyoshi) (August 4, 1979) * Zoom Up: Rape Site (ズームアップ暴行現場 - Zoom Up: boko genba) (September 8, 1979) * Lady Momoko's Adventure (桃子夫人の冒険 - Momoko fujin no boken) (December 22, 1979) * Pink Tush Girl: Proposal Strategy (桃尻娘プロポーズ大作戦 - Momojiri musume: purpozu daisakusen) (April 26, 1980) * Red Fleeting Rain (赤い通り雨 - Akai toori-ame) (August 2, 1980) * Love Daydream (愛の白昼夢 - Ai no hakujitsumu) (September 6, 1980) * From the Back or From the Front (後から前から - Ushiro kara mae kara) (December 26, 1980) * Lady Caligula in Tokyo (東京カリギュラ夫人 - Tokyo Caligula fujin) (March 6, 1981) * Essential Information for a College Girl (女子大生の基礎知識ANOANO - Joshidaisei no kiso chishiki: ano ano) (April 24, 1981) * I Like it From Behind (バックが大好き! - Bakku ga daisuki) (July 10, 1981) * Female Gymnastic Teacher: "Step and Open" (女体育教師跳んで開いて - Onna taiiku kyôshi: funde hiraite) (October 9, 1981) * Pink Tush Girls: Slinking Classmates (桃尻同級生まちぶせ - Momojiri dokyusei: machibuse) (January 22, 1982) * Seiko's Juicy Thighs: Zoom Up (ズームアップ聖子の太腿 - Zoom Up: Seiko no futomomo) (February 26, 1982) * White Rose Campus: Then Everybody Gets Raped (白薔薇学園そして全員犯された - Shirobara gakuen: soshite zenin okasareta) (June 25, 1982) * Gigolo: A Docu-Drama (実録色事師ザ・ジゴロ - Jitsuroku irogotoshi: The Gigolo) (October 15, 1982) * Oh! Takarazuka! (OH!タカラズカ - Oh! Takarazuka) (December 24, 1982) * China Scandal: Exotic Dance (チャイナスキャンダル艶舞 - China scandal: Enbu