O Ensaio
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The Rehearsal
- 编辑
- 主演:伊萨贝尔·祖拉/GermanoMelo/CamilaMota/茱莉娅·伊安尼娜/KelnerMacêdo/SuelyRolnik/IvoMesquita/PabloLafuente/GabrielPérez-Barreiro更多
- 制片地区:巴西 / 丹麦 影乐酷ID:5228798dv
- 片长:53分钟(未删减版) / 51分钟(柏林电影节版) 上映:2019-02-08(柏林电影节)
简介:伊萨,一位受邀提议举办一个展览的年轻艺术家,准备上演一部改编自马查多·德阿西斯的19世纪讽刺小说《布拉斯·古巴的死后回忆录》的戏剧作品。排练过程中遇到了困难,观众必须将其理解为是因为伊萨是一个年轻、黑人的女人,或者是任何人都会遇到的困难。 这部小说以一位死去的主人公的讽刺自传的形式,对巴西社会进行了病态的批判。1880年,该书的作者预见到八年后巴西将废除奴隶制,但他预言这仅仅是一个正式的措施,非正式地说,一切都将保持不变。 这部电影是在Oscar Niemeyer设计的iBiaPuura展馆拍摄的,它的演员是由专业演员和非专业演员组成的,他们中的一些人在圣保罗两年期基金会工作或现在工作。《奥恩萨约》是一部关于时间流逝、短暂的革命行动、体制记忆、种族主义和性别歧视的电影,主角是八年前Guimar_斯参与过的另一个项目的演员。 Isa, a young artist invited to propose a project for an exhibition, sets out to stage a dramatic adaptation of ‘The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas’, a satirical 19th-century novel by Machado de Assis. The rehearsal is marred by difficulties which the viewer must interpret as being due to the fact that Isa is a woman, young, black, all of the above, or as difficulties anyone would encounter. The novel delivers a mordant critique of Brazilian society in the guise of a satirical autobiography narrated by a dead protagonist. In 1880 its author foresaw the abolition of slavery that would happen in Brazil eight years later, but predicted that it would be a mere formal measure, informally everything would remain the same. The film was shot at the Ibirapuera pavilion designed by Oscar Niemeyer and its cast is made up of professional and non-professional actors, several of whom worked or currently work for the São Paulo Biennial Foundation. Featuring actors recast from another project Guimarães had worked on eight years earlier, O Ensaio is a film about the passage of time, about short lived revolutionary actions, about institutional memory, racism, and sexism in Brazil.