The Spirit Keepers of Makuta'ay
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导演:林延昭Yen-ChaoLin 编剧:林延昭Yen-ChaoLin
- 制片地区:加拿大 / 中国台湾 影乐酷ID:5227285dv
- 语言:台湾高山族阿眉斯语 / 汉语普通话 片长:11分钟 上映:2019-02-09(柏林国际电影节)
简介:严兆林在台湾东海岸游历,这是一个以自然、殖民和人口外流为特征的地区。AMIS是台湾许多少数民族中最大的一个,被正式认定为土著民族。阎朝林在寻找属于马库塔埃土著人民的不同精神习俗时,将对旧阿弥斯精神守护神的记忆与道教仪式和长老会葬礼的习俗放在同等的基础上,允许个人祈祷回响和集体抵抗的出现。《马库塔爱的精神守护神》是由导演亲手拍摄的超级8电影。在发展过程中产生的效果增加了一个额外的精神解释层。一个缩影,一篇文章,一幅印象派绘画。 Yen-Chao Lin travelled along the east coast of Taiwan – an area characterized by its wild nature, colonization and population exodus. The Amis is the largest of many ethnic minorities in Taiwan officially recognised as indigenous peoples. In search of different spiritual practices belonging to the indigenous people of Makuta’ay, Yen-Chao Lin places the memories of the old Amis spirit keepers on an equal footing with the practices of Daoist rituals and Presbyterian burials, allowing personal prayers to resound and collective resistance to emerge. The Spirit Keepers of Makuta’ay was shot on Super 8 film and developed by the director by hand. The effects created during the development process add an additional layer of spiritual interpretation. A miniature, an essay, an impressionistic painting.