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The Last to see Them
- 编辑
- 主演:CanioLancellotti/PasqualeLioi/BarbaraVerrastro/DonatellaViola/MassimilianoBossa更多
- 类型:剧情/犯罪 制片地区:德国 影乐酷ID:5227235dv IMDB:tt9658140
- 语言:意大利语 片长:79分钟 上映:2019-02-10(柏林电影节)
简介:The Durati family lead an idyllic, secluded life in the middle of the countryside, surrounded by olive groves. Their daily routines are not particularly spectacular, although the eldest daughter is soon to be married and each of the family members is preparing for the wedding in their own way. The film makes no secret of the fact that father Enzo, mother Alice, daughter Dora and son Matteo will not survive the coming day. The knowledge of their imminent demise changes how the viewer sees their everyday actions, their plans both big and small. The fragility of life shines through and it almost feels like everything is slowing down. The smallest events are shown from different perspectives, lending them greater significance. The editing, music and tracking shots make the inescapable end appear like a trancelike countdown. Death and manslaughter are common film themes. By concentrating so radically on the “before”, Sara Summa tells the story of a brutal crime in an entirely unique way. Gli ultimi a vederli vivere is much more a tender tale of life than one of death. We’re the last to see them living.杜拉蒂一家过着田园诗般的、与世隔绝的生活,生活在乡村中部,周围是橄榄林。尽管大女儿很快就要结婚了,而且每个家庭成员都在以自己的方式为婚礼做准备,但他们的日常生活并不特别精彩。 这部电影毫不掩饰的事实是恩佐神父、爱丽丝母亲、女儿多拉和儿子马特奥将无法在未来的一天存活下来。他们即将灭亡的知识改变了观众如何看待他们的日常行为,他们的计划是大是小。脆弱的生命闪耀着光芒,几乎感觉到一切都在减速。最小的事件从不同的角度显示出来,赋予它们更大的意义。编辑、音乐和跟踪镜头使不可避免的结尾看起来像一个恍惚的倒计时。死亡和过失杀人是常见的电影主题。SaraSumma把精力集中在“以前”上,以一种完全独特的方式讲述了一个残酷犯罪的故事。《Gli ultimi a vederli vivere》中的Gli ultimi与其说是死亡,倒不如说是一部生命的温柔故事。我们是最后一个看到他们活着的人。