La Fuga: Girl in Flight
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- 编辑
- 主演:LisaRuthAndreozzi/EminaAmatovic/唐娜提拉·芬诺恰罗/菲利波·尼格鲁更多
- 类型:剧情/家庭/冒险 制片地区:瑞士 Switzerland / 意大利 影乐酷ID:5214308dv IMDB:tt3831032
- 语言:意大利语 片长:75分钟
简介:SILVIA, a determined eleven year old girl from a small town in Tuscany, boards a train alone going to Rome. When asked by a mother sitting nearby why she is alone, Silvia responds 'my parents are very modern and leave me to do as I wish.' Two months earlier, we see Silvia's mother incapacitated by a severe episode of recurring depression, and later, at her breaking point, Silvia gathers her things and leaves... alone. On the train, she meets EMINA, a smart, defiant 13 year old gypsy girl. When they arrive in Rome, Silvia follows Emina as she disappears inside Rome's vast central train station.
- 1唐探1900
- 2哪吒之魔童闹海
- 3禁忌童话
- 4笑傲江湖
- 5蛟龙行动
- 6封神第二部:战火西岐
- 7大奉打更人之世间无我这般人
- 8超时空旅行 源氏物语
- 9我的夫人
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- 1唐探1900
- 2熊出没·重启未来
- 3射雕英雄传:侠之大者
- 4蛟龙行动
- 5哪吒之魔童闹海
- 6封神第二部:战火西岐
- 7柯村风云
- 8黑白潜行2
- 9寻凶
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