The Day of My Death
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- 主演:RenataLitvinova/IvanPodgornyi/TitouanSavignoni/LouisonSavignoni/AlexandraCherkasova/UlianaDobrovskaya/LeslieCohen-Amon/LottaVolkova/GoshaRubchinskiy/SerenellaPini更多
- 制片地区:俄罗斯 Russia 影乐酷ID:5203164dv IMDB:tt6273046
- 语言:无对白 片长:17分钟 上映:2016-06-15(俄罗斯)
简介:To coincide with his SS17 show at Pitti Uomo, Russian designer, photographer and filmmaker Gosha Rubchinskiy released a new photo book and short film titled The Day of My Death. Directed by Renata Litvinova, the film follows a group around the abandoned factory and stars Rubchinskiy himself along with his collaborator Lotta Volkovaand skateboarding brothers Titouan and Louison Savignoni.