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The Believer?
- 编辑
- 主演:师哲王森/马斯瑟陈宣辰成炫竣更多
- 类型:剧情 制片地区:中国大陆 影乐酷ID:5180924dv
- 语言:汉语普通话 片长:28分钟
简介:梁知和杨文玲是一对即将步入中年的夫妻,由于种种原因,梁知逐渐对自己信教的老婆杨文玲和自己的同事兼杨文玲的教友郑宇产生怀疑,怀疑二人有染。梁知想通过请郑宇喝酒时旁敲侧击的询问一探究竟,试一试郑宇是否正直,不料自己不胜酒力,醒来时发现自己竟和在酒吧遇见的女孩发生了关系,并且被她同样信神的男友捉奸在床,使得事情更加复杂。婚姻,信仰,这一切让纠缠在其中的梁知陷入了双重的彷徨之中。 Zhi Liang and Wenlin Yang are husband and wife who about to entering middle age. For some reason plus the guy called “Master stick”. Zhi Liang suspicious that Wenlin is seeing someone she meets from church and that guy is his colleague Yu Zheng. One day, Wenlin bring follower to home for house church. Zhi Liang thinks this is the evidence of his suspicion, therefore he observe the details between his wife and Yu Zheng, try to dig a “thing” to prove his point of view, turned out nothing is strong enough to be an evidence. Zhi Liang gets stuck into confidence and non-confidence both for family and faith.