S.O.S. szerelem(SOS Love)
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- 主演:CsanyiSandor/UllmannMonika/FenyoIvan更多
- 类型:喜剧/爱情 制片地区:匈牙利 影乐酷ID:5133705dv IMDB:tt0847895
- 语言:匈牙利语 片长:96 分钟 上映:2007-02-14
简介:皮特是一家高科技婚介公司的经理,公司的名字叫:“爱情呼救”。最近他正被一个客户搞的焦头烂额。这个人叫托米,是一个富有的暴发户。他痴恋着维罗尼卡,一个可爱的幼稚园老师。为了捕获她的芳心,皮特的计划是租下一座城堡并捏造出一个虚幻的家庭。为的就是给他们创造出一个理想的“伊甸园”。 Single father Peter is the head of a high-tech matchmaking agency, S.O.S. LOVE!, which helps its wealthy clients solve their problematic love affairs. Their market share is rising, all until Tomi, a rich upstart, has a fit and leans on them to get busy. Tomi is hopelessly in love with Veronika, a lovely kindergarten teacher, but even with the help of S.O.S. LOVE, he can’t conquer her. Peter’s hellish plan is to rent a castle out-of-town and and populate it with company staff, bringing Tomi into a ’family’ circle. Finally, he wants to lure Veronika to the castle with a brilliant excuse.